Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Is college good for the girls?

I don't mean in the sense that it gives them more time to grow up and it gives them more independence and eventually a degree, no I mean in the sense of how much closer they have become since the start of the school year. They have two classes together at RCC and they spend time hanging out together at school, I think.
When they came over in 2009 they were best friends. They did everything together. They'd sleep together, sometimes in the same bed, they'd hang out all the time together. At night you'd get that noisy happy chatter from their room and you just knew they were happy spending time together.
     Then something changed. I didn't recognise it when it started, I only noticed it when it was pointed out. It was like seeing someone who's got new glasses, but you really don't know what the change is until it is pointed out to you. Then it is the only thing you can look at the rest of the day and wonder how did I miss that.
       One morning Elena is sleeping in her bed in her room, she has moved out of the room they share and into her room. She'd been given the room a while ago. She kept her clothes there, but one morning you wake up and you find her sleeping in her room. It didn't seem like a big deal at the time. Eventually she moved back into her sister's room. Then she'd move back out when her aunt Nancy would stay over on Saturdays.
During the back bedroom construction, which is still going on slowly, but going on, full update soon. Elena has been in her sister's room. Just recently I noticed Elena was sleeping in the big bed from the back bedroom with Nastia. And last night I heard the two of them talking and laughing from down stairs. It was like old times. I went to bed late, around midnight and they were still going on. I said good night and they got quiet and went to sleep, again in the same bed. Elena still will be short tempered with Nastia and tell her to shut up, but right now they are acting like best friends again. I know if I ask Teri she'll say they are just being girls and not to worry they will go back to acting like they hate each other real soon.

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