Saturday, August 31, 2019

Elena's new car part 2

Elena got her car today. Like everything about this car and the accident and her Toyota it wasn't simple. Allstate released the money finally about a week ago. I collected it from the bank and left it on the table for the girls to go over and pay for it. That just left the Toyota to deal with. Chris from Shamrock towing has had the car for two months. He said he would not charge me storage but it had been there two months. I call Chris's business phone and get a guy who can't really help me. A few moments later I slightly shrill woman calls me up and tells me we owe over $600.00. I tell her Chris said he wasn't going to charge me. She says something about checking it out and hangs up.
      The next day I figure it would be better to get the car off his lot. I call and get the same women. She is not any nicer. I tell her I want to get the car off the lot and if she could get it towed from the lot to Tony's  house in Nyack. She says she hasn't any drivers and as soon as she gets one she'll have him call to arrange it. I felt from the tone of her voice I shouldn't hold my breath. I reluctantly call Chris and ask him about getting the car from the lot. He says Allstate has taken care of the bill and the car is driveable. So I arrange to pick it up with him on Saturday morning. I also ask him to let Fran the women know Allstate took care of his bill.
       Saturday morning Teri drives me over to Chris's lot in Central Nyack off a side road near the Fire department. I met a guy named Adam. He shows me the car and it won't start. A quick jump from a charger and the car is going I'm a little apprehensive about driving it and the crunching and rubbing sound from the left front wheel doesn't make me feel any safer. Over a little bridge and off the lot I go. I stop once to pull the shroud inside the wheel well off the tire and it drives better. The wheel doesn't sit straight when the car goes down the road so I know there is an issue with the front end. It doesn't pull so I think that is a plus. The short trip to Tony's house is quick and uneventful. I switch plates on the Toyota to old plates Tony had. Elena's plates I take with me to put on the new car. Around one in the afternoon we go over to pick the car up. Teri talks with the very nice couple while I put the plates on the car. After about fifteen minutes we leave. I drive the car to Pearl River and leave it for Elena. I go inside the store and give Elena the keys to her new car.
     Just a little while ago Elena texts she wants to hang out with Jasmine. I don't know when it happened but I don't like this girl any more. She is like a disease that disappears for a few months and comes back when you least expect it. She seems like a user. And anyone who doesn't like movies..... yeah she is that girl. Elena always texts Jasmine wants to if I can hang out with her tonight. Tonight it was Elena saying can I hang out with Jasmine tonight? It's different, I wonder if there is any significance to that. Well they are hanging out until 10:30 tonight. She tried for 11 pulling out all the stops, it's the weekend, I haven't hung out with her in a while. Teri is going back and forth with her so I think it is a good idea if I step in and tell her to come home right after work. She then says 10:30 is good. Inside I'm laughing a little because I thought that would happen and I'm glad it did. I just have a bad feeling about this girl, I don't really know why. I don't really know her. I also don't like the way she treats Elena. For a while it seemed Elena spent a lot of money when she was with Jasmine. She always said she wasn't treating Jasmine. I don't know. 


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