Thursday, January 24, 2019

End of January update

Well since I called it the end of January up date I guess I have to update you, my loyal reader or two what is going on. Nastia restarted College. Just writing that gives me a strange feeling.
     It turns out that her first semester at College Nastia did not take a full coarse load. Near the end of last Semesters I, for some unknown reason asked Nastia about her schedule and what classes she is taking. I was pleased to hear she had Friday's off. Then I add up the amount of classes she has only to find out she is taking less then fifteen credits. When I went to RCC, fifteen credits was a full class load. I wonder to myself why we let David and her register for classes by themselves. David should have known better. I tell her she needs to register for an other class to get her total up to fifteen and she will be taking a summer class or two to put her back on schedule because of her first semester. She adds the extra class and suddenly she is again going to College on Friday and again for one class.
       Mornings start a little different here now. Elena still gets up at six in the morning, but now, or at
least for the first week of classes Nastia gets up too. They are having breakfast together again and even though it's only been since Spring it seems like it's been forever and it's almost like old times around the kitchen in the morning. Then either Nastia or Elena will go and start their car and I will remember it's not, they're growing up and I'm getting older. I'm almost as old as Tony, Teri's father was when I first met Teri.
      Elena finishes up her breakfast, contacts in she is ready to go. She is told to have a good day and be safe several times. I have a bad feeling about today and I hope it is just the weather or maybe my birthday coming up, or the lady Nastia bumped calling last night with an estimate on her car. I hope I am not feeling anything else.
       Several minutes ago, I get interrupted by the phone ringing. I feel the dread of an early morning phone call. I see it is Nastia, who left twenty or so minutes ago in her car. She mumbles a little and I can't understand her. I get a little sharp with her fearing my dread of the day has come true. No, she is lost on her third trip to RCC. It is raining and I guess she missed the turn for Viola road from New Hempstead. It's easy to do. I ask her what is the name of the road she is on and she has trouble seeing it ( THOSE DAMN EYES AGAIN) she sort of spells it out for me adding she thinks she is in Spring Valley. A scary thought. I ask her to pull off the road so I can find her on Google Maps. She turns around and somehow sees a sign for RCC, something that helped me get to RCC several times when I first started going there. Her confidence returning she says she is fine and says goodbye. I relax and go back to my writing. 


  1. Your one of the three reason I'm still at it ten years later. My Sister and I enjoy it are the other two.

  2. I check for updates 3 times a week and enjoy seeing them.
