Thursday, October 12, 2017

Making my Daughter cry.

Things sneak up on me, often. I have a conversation, this time with my wife, I get angry and take it out on someone else, this time Nastia, or as she is known at Bowling, Anna.
     There is some back story that will enlighten everyone to that cryptic first line. Elena got a job, as all you loyal readers know in Pearl River and Nastia, aka Anna on Wednesdays, has one in New City. We live in Congers which makes a weirdly shaped triangle. Teri has been in different degrees of flipping out over how can I get them to work on time when they are in two different directions. My response, I'll handle it, just pisses her off.
     Yesterday, Wednesday, hence the jokes about Nastia/Anna (yeah, my daughters would be saying, Jokes??) Elena had to be at work by 3:30, I had bowling and Nastia was at the Library, with the intention of walking to the Bowling Alley. Teri is at Work in Suffern. The Stage is set. At 5:10, I'm at the Bowling Alley, Nastia is walking over, Teri is still at work and Elena calls, she's done. I wasn't concerned because Teri had texted me the other day that she would pick up Elena but it would mean Elena would have to go to the Dentist with Teri.
    Elena calls me, I tell her I can't pick her up, call her mother. Teri calls me asking how am I going to pick Elena up and starts in how is this going to work? This is a good example of how it won't. I'm getting mad and I don't want to start a fight, but I have the text where she says she will pick up Elena. There is also the fact in her favor the Thruway is closed or backed up and she will be later for her Dentist appointment. She hates being late and will run the risk of driving like a crazy person not to be late. But, I have the text. No matter how you slice it Elena needs to be picked up by someone, but I have the text. I offer to call my mother, but I have the text. I call her and as soon as I make it clear this is a one shot deal, because my mom doesn't drive in the dark any more and can't do this on a regular basis, she is willing to pick Elena up, but I have the text.
     All of this back story comes into play  when I go inside the Bowling Alley and sit down to change my shoes and Nastia/Anna asks me about her sister and her tone, everyone who is a parent has heard it and everyone of you who were ever a teenager has denied using it, appears. I'm not a happy camper right now so I tell Nastia, who has asked a question putting responsibility for picking up her sister on my shoulders, BUT and lets all say it together; I HAVE THE TEXT. I tell Nastia not to talk to me because I'm in a bad mood. I think I'm doing the both of us a favor. I put my shoes on and get up to check where We are in the standings. They call practice where everyone gets to throw some balls down the alley for free. My Team mate, Gino and I practice. No Nastia/Anna, odd. Near the end of practice, I see Nastia/Anna and I ask her where she was? I see she has been crying, I get concerned. Did Someone die, did David break up with her? Is this all a dream and I'm dead??? no, I hurt her feelings when I told her not to talk to me. I thought I was doing her a favor and I have the text. No, I was not doing her a favor and I did hurt her feelings even if I had the text. I explain to her it was my fault, and it was and I am very sorry. She got this red nose and you can tell she was crying and I feel even worse as we start to bowl, but being Nastia/Anna by the middle of the first game she is laughing and dancing while she is up bowling and she even gets a spare after a gutter ball (sorta still a strike) then two more strikes after that for a high game of 130, her best yet. We end up taking all five points. We are heading for first.
     Even with the fact that I had the text, I let it all go, because at my age being right is meaningless if you reduce your daughter to tears.

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