Thursday, August 24, 2017

I don't feel like an old Man

This is peripherally about the girls. It's more about how I am shocked sometimes about how old I am and how I don't feel it, and other times where I feel it shockingly.
     I have gone swimming once this year. It was early in the year and I didn't check out the bottom of the pool once the pool people had finished. The People who originally did the pool left it short of sand on the bottom. So as summer roars to an end I wanted to check it out. I know it sounds like a lame excuse to go for a swim, but that's me. I was going to go after mowing the lawn the other day, but it got late and I never did. Yesterday, I'm watching TV and Elena wants me to go swimming. I tell her no and she keeps bugging me. Finally she says I have until 4:30, then I have to go swimming. 4:30 comes. I'm sitting in the chair watching a Yankee game. I've done this many time this year, so off I go swimming.
     At the pool, I do the usual, you know test the water with a toe, this go over to the ladder and put a foot in then sit on the ladder with both feet in, extend both feet into the water until my hips touch it then I retreat cause it feels too cold for there.
     I retreat to the deck and I have my feet in the water when Nastia come outside. She said it was because she saw us in the pool. To me that says she wants to join in the fun, so I push her in the pool, shorts and all. She yells at me, saying she didn't come outside to get wet, I knew better. I help her climb the wall of the pool with a gentlemanly hand up and she is still upset about being thrown in, so I do it again. I help her out, again. She is still mad, so I pick her up, because her hair is still dry and I jump in with her in my arms. She comes to the surface and calls me a jerk, but stays in the pool with Elena and I for the next hour. After all of that I try to have a nice quiet float on the raft. I know better then to get up on it after throwing Nastia in the pool, so I lean my arms on it. Nastia and Elena spend a good portion of time trying to get on the raft and I flip them off. One time Nastia gets on the end of the raft straddling the end. I'm holding on to the other end. I look at her and say, "You should know better then that" and let go.
     After the raft flips over, I recover am empty raft and continue to lean on it. I do pick each one of the girls up and try to throw them into the air, into the water. I think with Nastia I still get some air underneath her. Elena, I don't think I was that lucky.
     At one point Elena gets me in a bear hug. The old Me would of broken it, no problem. The newer me had to wrestle her arms off me. I hate it when your kids stat to get stronger then you. I told her she would have to stop working out if this continued.
     It's like the time a few years ago we were playing wiffle ball at a BBQ, before Ruth moved to Florida. Sixteen year old Cory was catcher and I'm on third base. Someone gets a hit and I thought it would be funny if I gently tackled Cory as I race home. I go for a bear hug, a little low to lift him off his feet. The next thing I know is I'm looking up at Cory from the ground. It was funny then, even funnier now. Sucks getting old, but it can be fun.

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