Friday, May 19, 2017

The Evil Attic

It was Monday after work, I'd just finished giving a driving lesson to Elena and she had gone upstairs to take a shower before dinner. Nastia was looking for a portfolio for a school project. Elena just as she heads into the shower says there might be some in the Attic. I head out the door to drive around and look for some flower pots that come with store bought plants so I can plant vegetables in them at home. I'm gone about a half hour.
     When I get back home I see there is a message on the answer machine, but before I play it back Nastia calls to see if it is me down stairs. She asks, "why don't you answer your phone?" I never heard it. She starts telling me she went upstairs and got locked in the attic (Flowers in the Attic??) and had to stay there until Elena finished her shower and let her out.(READ THE BOOK, if You don't know or see the 1980's movie, book was better)
     After a good laugh, I play the answer machine back. It is Nastia calling the home phone asking to be let out of the attic. Even David laughed at her plight.
     Teri had a bad day, some people at her job were let go, some were friends, so I saved it for her and it brightened her day, made her laugh.
      I'm sorry Nastia if it hurt you,everyone laughing at what happened to you, it was something that made a bad day a little better.

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