Tuesday, February 28, 2017

A very Early Spring

This past weekend things got warm. Not warm for a February day, but warm for an April day. The temperature has been warm most of the week. It was not lower then the upper 30 and then this weekend it went into the 60's. Global Warming, sometimes you just got to love it.
     With the warm temperatures the girls and I started some yard work early. We got most of last years leaves up off the backyard.
Misha wants to help
It seems every year I don't get the leaves up before it snows. I do go out there and rake, but the neighbor has a tree, a huge tree that doesn't loose it's leaves until after December 1st and it usually snows shortly after that, not a lot, but who normally wants to rake leaves, much less rake them while they are wet and it has just snowed and it is cold out.
     I took pictures of the girls working outside. I promised each I would pay them for the work. The first picture is Elena working and the second is Nastia.
Nastia? yeah, she's supposed to be working behind where the dog is.

Nastia, where are you??
     Elena was a vegetarian for a while this winter. It was a bit of a hassle, so I think that is why she quit. Plus there are a lot of foods with meat in them that are fun to eat. Neither Kid has been very big on beef all their life. If you want to make their eyes light up put potatoes in front of them. That's the Russian weakness. Hey, Vodka is make from potatoes, go figure.
     Elena is also gotten into exercising. She likes going to the gym at the park on Conger's Lake and doing the treadmill. She then goes over to the bench and does several sets there. She starts out just lifting the bar, which weighs in the twenties. She later adds some fives to it. This pleases me very much. I was afraid when I first heard her doing this she would want to go for muscle mass and on a girls it never looks good. It looks like she is going for toning, which always looks good on women.
     I watched her train for a little while and I took her home after about two hours. It was interesting, I'd never been to this building in the park. The Girls discovered it a few years ago and wanted me to get them their passes to use it. I managed to get them up a few weeks ago, early on a Saturday and got them over to the town's parks dept. and it took all of a few minutes and just me showing my ID. I didn't have to try and explain that my Wife and I adopted them from Russia and all of their need paperwork is in Russian.  

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