Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Everyone goes to High School, Dutchess County Fair and water gun cuts

It has been a busy last few days.
    The Danger Girls made an appearance at the Dutchess County Fair for most of ten rides.
They hit the Zipper, which made me sick just looking at it. For those not in the know, two cylinders rotate around an oblong tube, the long way, while the tube spins occasionally flinging these same cylinders over its long end. They went on it three times. They then went on 'Fire Ball' A line of cars sit in a large loop and it spins around the loop. They went on it three times. Then the scariest one, I think was called Khaos. They sit in a group at the bottom of a long metal beam sitting straight up and proceed to be flung around in large loops. I was invited to join the Danger girls, but my danger days, Lighting loops and the Great America Coaster at Great Adventure are far in the distant past. So I sat and imagined ways the rides would break and fling people to their death and pray it would not happen (Really Dad!!).
  WE left for the almost two hour trip there after some fun (Really Dad!!) at home about 9:30, picked Nancy up and got there at about 11:00. We had our advance entrance tickets and the Girls had their advance ride tickets, so We entered with no hassle. We had lunch soon after, I had a poor Philly cheese steak and later found a stand that sliced the meat there, gave you onions and peppers and might of not used cheese sauce. Of course this stand charged a dollar more.
  We walked the Barns and Teri talked to one of the women who had cows there, who described the fair as a spa day for the cows. They get washed and special care every day of the fair. Teri, Nastia and Elena all petted every Animal at the fair it seemed.
  We finished the day at The Cracker Barrel in Fishkill, one of Teri's favorite places to eat. Fun was had by all.
    The next day the temperature went from a comfortable mid 80 to the low 90's, with humidity. No One did much.

   Monday was the last day of Summer vacation before school so with the weather still hot Jessica and David came over to swim. I got home from work at 2:30, I know I have to find full time
employment, but I'm enjoying it while I can. I was asked to cook up some hot dogs for three of the four swimmers.\I called them to eat, when Elena gets out of the pool she is in a little pain and holding her left hand in her right. Some Blood is pooling in her palm and a few drops of red are running over the edge and dripping down spotting the ground, leaving a red trail, reminding me of the red wedding on Game of Thrones. (Ask someone who's seen it)
  No it wasn't that bad. She was rough housing with David and she grabbed for the water gun and he pulled it away and her hand caught on the plastic sight on the barrel and ripped a two inch, maybe a little more gash,in her palm. It looked real bad, but it didn't really bleed. I flashed back to when they were first ours and Elena hit Nastia with the branch, I did better this time. I got her a rag, yes it was out of the pile of clean rages and it was a former towel
 torn into a strip for her hand. She went with Jessica and got dressed. I took her over to Immediate Medical care in New City , where this Polish doctor with a gay assistant (not that there is anything wrong with being Polish. It's a joke, grow a thicker skin.)
  We had insurance issues over the Summer and the Girls insurance was cancelled. Even though We got it taken care of in a few days their coverage didn't take effect until... anybody want to take a guess? That's right, not until tomorrow, the first of September. The cost wasn't too bad. It was $100.00 for the visit and $130.00 for the stitches. Do You know they charge by the inch for cuts.Elena, got six stitches. I asked if it was cheaper by the dozen, Elena didn't like that. She was a good patient. She just didn't like the needle in the cut for the pain killer.
  Lastly today is the first day of School. I didn't sleep very well. I guess I was suffering P.T.S. from my days going to school.
This might be Teri's first back to school day. She was always going to her job. Wait last year she did take Nastia to the bus stop. This year they both walked to the bus. It's gonna be fun this year, NOT!!

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