Monday, December 8, 2014

Nastiafest 2015 or SHE TURNS SIXTEEN!!

  It seems like yesterday, we met  this scrawny little kid from Russia. She would talk to you like she knew you for ever and you spoke Russian.
I got down on my knees when we first met, to be on the same level and she climbs on my back like she'd been doing it all her life. I walked around most of the night with her on my back eating fruit, all forty pounds of her. Then her sister took her place.
   We adopted her and her sister in September 2009.
   Nastia's birthday, December 3rd, this year was on a Wednesday. I got her up at her usual six-fifteen. Her mother bought her to School.
   For Dinner, We went to Gilligans up in Mt. Ivy. David, Nastia's boyfriend was going to take her to Dinner, but he had to work. The four of Us had a nice dinner.
   On Saturday, we took Nastia, Elena, Kaley and David to Bounce for an hour. Teri and Nancy picked David up and Nastia called to find out where they were. Nastia calls her sisters phone, when David answers, she is confused
. He says she called him and that her mother just drove by and flipped him the middle finger. I'm on the other side watching her flip out. I call to find out whats going on and Teri says they are pulling a prank on Nastia. Nastia comes by me saying "they haven't picked him up and he says mom gave him the finger. Mommy wouldn't do that." I'm struggling very hard to keep a straight face. They pull into the parking lot, Nastia was out there looking for them.
  At Home, We had some Chinese take out, bought it home for the six of Us. At seven-thirty We had chocolate cheese cake. It was pre-sliced and the slices were too large and no one finished their's. The night ended early, David had to get home before eight PM. We got him home a little after eight.
  Teri and Nancy picked David up