Monday, June 16, 2014

Too cold for Fireworks and in the pool ten days later

We went to the West Nyack Firehouse Carnival over at the town pool. Not that I'm bragging because Congers is really nothing, but West Nyacks was small. It was also cold . It's the last few days of May and no one wants to wear jackets. Teri and Nancy have jackets and as I'm going out the door I remember how it can be on the water during May and I grab a jacket and a sweater, Teri laughs at me and I leave the jacket in the car.It's early evening and we have come for the fireworks and the girls the rides. They get wrist bands and we spend fifty dollars. After a few rides, I think the girls are rode out,no they just want to win gold fish. We say no, they have wrist bands for rides.
 It starts go get dark and the temperature starts to go down too. After a while I even go get my jacket. The girls continue to ride. They went on several rides and when they stopped in front of the win a gold fish game. I knew what was next. "Mommy, Daddy, we want to win gold fish." Together, Teri and I said "NO" . I hate it because the fish is abused at the carnivals and die soon after they are home. Teri and I both didn't like the fact we just spent fifty dollars on wrist bands and they are already onto doing something else. There were no fish that night. They rode some more rides several times in a row, not even getting up to go around again and get on line. And yes we sat or stood around as it got colder and colder.
  About quarter to nine another m-80 went off and everyone jumped.  About this time is when Teri came up with the joke about it being too cold for the fireworks and we should go home. Nancy and I agreed. Teri figuring she was not going to win mother of the year anyway agreed.
 When the Girls got off this swing type ride Teri told them it was too cold for the fireworks to work and the two m-80 explosions was them testing them out. We got an "Awwh" from Nastia and Teri said we could go out for Ice Cream and we went to a Frozen Yogurt place in New City.    
  The Pool
  It was the usual opening the pool. The cover didn't keep a lot of the fall leaves out of the pool, Tthe holes in the cover and the pillow in the pool deflating didn't help.
So like usual I emptied the pool. I don't swim a lot, but I can't swim in a pool full of chemicals. I got the girls to go in the water and scoop out the leaves and Teri found the hole in the liner, I fixed it, then filled it. At almost full I stopped for the night. It had filled slowly and I thought it was because of bad water pressure, it wasn't. The level dropped down to almost a foot when I finally went into the water to find the hol. It was a foot away from the side and near the ladder. It was big. I fixed it and was about to get out when Teri came outside and said I should look for other holes. I figured what were the chances of other holes after I fixed these two big ones, but I did and after about twenty minutes found two more holes on the opposite side of the ladder. With those fixed the pool filled up very quickly and even though it was cold outside and the pool water was still the temperature out of the tap, the girls as soon as they got home went swimming. Crazy Russians!                                                                                             

1 comment:

  1. Hope the pool has no more leaks, how did you get that many anyway?
