Sunday, May 4, 2014

Mesha, the German Sheffer

We got a new dog, her name is Mesha. She is a ten week old rescue dog, full breed German shepherd. Someone saw her advertised at Dapper Dog in Central Nyack and told Teri. I got the phone call from Teri about ten in the morning. I have to saw that she at least asks me about a crazy purchase like this. I don't like to say no to Teri about most things, because she works real hard and they are mostly reasoned out requests, this one wasn't. We currently have, including Mesha, Athena, Bandy, and the cats Benastork and Niki. It is going to be a madhouse at feeding time at the zoo.
 Teri says they can't hold the dog and I need to go give 500 cash and go over and buy the dog. I agree to go over to Dapper Dog and see if the dog is still there, hoping it wasn't. I got the money and went over and the dog was there, but the person who handles the dog was not, this was 10:30 Wednesday morning. I wait in my car listening to the radio until about 11:15, when my car battery dies. I call my mother ans ask her to come over and give my my car a jump.
 I get my car started before my mom arrives. I try to call her and she doesn't have her cell phone with her.
    The women finally shows up and is now cutting a dogs hair, I wait, there is nothing I have to do being out of a job for the last three months. My mom comes, hangs out for a few minutes, buys a couple of collars for her dogs and goes. I continue to wait.
  Finally after about an hour, she is done. She invites me behind the counter to meet the dog and proceeds to treat me like I am some virgin dog owner, who she needs to read the riot at to. I came in thinking she knew us from taking on Bandi after June died. She goes on about how this dog is going to need a lot of attention and she will chew on things so you need to do this and that. After a while, I'm asking myself why I'm still here. She eases up a bit and we start to talking and exchange a few stories. I tell her about Athena, how we rescued her. She asks what happened to her, like she expects that we killed her and buried her in the backyard dog cemetery.
  While waiting, I'd had time to check out the dog food she had., not unexpected it was expensive. She asks me what I feed our dogs, I know it is a trick question, but I can not see how. I answer Alpo. WRONG ANSWER!! Oh, that stuff is the worst. It is made with mostly water and meat by products, it makes them go to the bathroom a lot, effects their kidneys. Knowing that we are in the homestretch I ask what she has been feeding the dog., she says 'Blue'. I grab a large bag of it for fifty dollars and she throws in a couple of cans of blue and a few dog chews. I give her $300.00 for the dog and finally I'm out the door with Teri texting me whats going on, why is it taking so long. I text her back I have the dog.
  I put towels on the front seat and lay the dog there.We start to go and she immediately climbs into the next to an empty box I had there. (the picture above). I get her home and for the rest of the day I nurse maid the dogs to make sure they are getting along. Athena was nipping at Mesha's ear,Bandi was his usual grouchie self.
How the Dog got her name:
  When I got home I'd needed to call the dog something. We had just seen a movie called Bears and I thought that would be a good name. I knew Teri would not like it. So, I called her Bear.
  When everyone got home home it was naming time and I said I was calling her Bear and why. No one liked it. Then Teri asks what is Bear in Russian? While looking it up Nancy says in most Russian fairy tails bears are called Mesha, so she was called Mesha.