Monday, January 6, 2014


When we first got the Girls to America, I was afraid they would not get to do things. I don't mean things like going to the Bronx Zoo or going to the beach. I was afraid they would not join in and become part of their school. I never joined any clubs or became part of a team. I didn't exist in school.
  The first month Nastia was at the middle school I talked to her about joining things and I thought she was afraid, like I was and would not join anything. I told her to look on the bulletin boards to find out when clubs and sports would start and where. She then asked, what was a bulletin board.
Maggiano's at the River Side Sq. Mall

   I remember the day she came home and said she wanted to join the volleyball team. Before I even knew the words had left my mouth I had said she was too small to join. Me, the guy who kept telling them not to let anything stop them from being what they want to be in this world. I might of even said it twice. I was happy that she still tried out for volleyball. I admire them both for all the hard work they put in trying to learn all the things they have never experienced before.
  As it turns out I didn't have to worry about the Girls missing out on activities through the school. Volleyball was just the start. That year Elena joined the play Annie and it was the first time I witnessed her not trying. She was late joining the play and she would sit around talking to friends as if nothing important was going on. She did Karate with her sister to that year I think. She wanted to quit before the term she agreed to was over, we would not let her. She went to every class required, but quit trying a long time before it ended.
Snow storm just after this posting
  When they joined wrestling last year, she spent the whole time fooling around and talking. She never paid attention to the coach and she came within a few seconds of winning her final match.
  This year Nastia wanted to join bowling. I asked her sister if she wanted to go to. Nastia got all upset saying she wanted this to be her thing to do by herself. I could understand, but her sister had been asked and said yes and she had agreed not to fool around and be a distraction.
  Elena started the season the better bowler. Somewhere by the end of September she would just go up and chuck the ball down the lane. Not waiting for her ball, she would grab another one and as soon as the pins were set the ball would fly. She would turn around and walk away without looking.
  About a month ago she texts me from the bus home that she forgot it was bowling day and was headed home. Right away I knew what it was. I ordered her off the bus and on to the bus for bowling. She was smarter then that. Her didn't call until the bus had left the school. She then got the next two weeks off for Christmas vacation.
    In the middle of the today, I remember it is bowling Monday. Thinking they will forget I text them both. Of  course Elena replies to my text during school, which is not allowed saying OK, then she asks when can she quit bowling like she did Karate. I begin to write her back, then stop. This requires a face to face talk.
   At the bowling alley I call her over and we sit down in two chairs away from everyone else. I am unhappy she wants to quit bowling. Not because I enjoy bowling, but again she wants to quit something. I try to explain to her how if she is quitting things now life only gets tougher and she will not be able to quit things when she gets older. I told her if in the future she wants to have a baby and after to years the baby is not so much fun she can't just throw up her arms and say I quit. She has to finish things she starts and if in the future she is tired of her job and wants to quit, well then she doesn't get to eat.
  I told her she should take some pride in doing the best job she can and maybe that would make it a little easier to do. Work at it and maybe you might even get better at it.
   She is so much like me, I hate talking to myself.


  1. Great job for talking it out with her. Did you find out why she wants to quit?
