Saturday, December 21, 2013

Christmas Houses 2013

My Mom started this tradition just a few years ago. This is another of those when we were young stories. When we were young my mom used to bake cookies with us. She would make roll out cookies that we would use cookie cutters then spread some egg white on and add sprinkles. There were also the cookie press ones. You would fill the cookie press, put in a shape, a camel, a Christmas tree, a reindeer and so on and out would come cookies shaped like it. Then the egg white and sprinkles.
  This all ended when a large group of people got together and tried to bake cookies. I thought it went well, my mom was not pleased.
  She came up with the idea of decorating cookie houses. I was not a big fan, it seemed like a lot of work for her and I didn't think people would go for it. I was wrong, it has become a big hit. This year their were twenty-five people at my mom's. Plus she did for the Rockland Center for the Arts about twelve and she gave six spare houses to her neighbor Greg, who will invite five of his sons friends over to do houses. And she had a small gathering of her friends over for some Adult house decorating.
   It Snowed the day before we were to do the houses and the roads got sloppy, but seemed to clear by the time we were to do houses. I thought people might stay away, they did not. Some arrived a little late and some, like Elena's friend Jessica arrived very late. Everyone grabbed a house. The variety this year was beyond all previous years.
Teri got to do an apartment house. The Girls got regular houses to do. Elena wanted a new house because corners of the roof kept breaking off. Both Girls did some nice houses.
   About two in the afternoon we ordered six pizzas and after clean up we all went home around six that night. And of course we were hungry before eight and made snacks before bed.  Lots of fun.


  1. What no picutres of your completed houses!
