Saturday, February 16, 2013

A busy Friday

Teri and I took Friday off to go to the middle school to talk to a Psychologist about Elena.Elena has trouble paying attention in class and has issues with anger.
   We got in a little early so we could talk to Elena's chorus, Mrs McCabe. Teri was all wound up about only a few kids singing at the concert and was ready to defend Elena, if the teacher complained.
   Mrs McCabe was thrilled to death how Elena sang at the concert. I thought that she didn't really sing. Teri said the reason she sang was she had told Elena that if she did not sing she would come up on the stage and embarrass her. The teacher wanted to get more information to try and get Elena more engaged in class. I told her Elena felt everyone was watching her and Mrs. McCabe said that she was bringing on the attention on herself by things she did.
   The meeting was cut a little short because the Psychologist was waiting for us.He was a nice man. I thought we were going to talk to him after he finished talking to Elena, but he started with us getting all the background information we had.
   We talked about how Teri saw a story years ago about Russian adoptions and then a few years later after we gave up on Chinese adoption, Teri saw an add for Russian adoptions and wanted to look into it. I said no I was not interested. I was fifty years old and I was Uncle Joe and didn't think I had it in me to be Daddy. I let her go forward with it figuring that if I didn't help the process would weigh her down and she would give up.
   In May I received a call from the Cradle of Hope people telling us we had a choice of either two girls or a boy. The only reason we were given the choice was one of the girls was slightly retarded.  I received the call about the girls and I felt it was the hand of god telling me I had a part I needed to play in this. He asked me why I felt it was the hand of god. I said because they could not get in touch with my wife on any of her phone lines and they were able to get me in a bad cell area and when I called Teri I got right through. This story brought me to tears when I told the Psychologist.
   We talked for about an hour and he then talked to Elena and had her draw some pictures, She drew a picture of a dinosaurs eating a person while someone was trying to kill him. The second one had a shark that had killed a person and the third one had people with square heads and one that looked like a casket. The forth one was a cats head in heaven that he interpreted as her mother in heaven. All were violent and about death. So we are going to get her into Art therapy because that is the way she communicates the best. She doesn't talk to people willingly. I tried to talk to her today about her day with her friend and I got we saw the Hunger game ate pizza, and there is nothing else to talk about.
   After we left the school we went to Costco and spent over one-hundred dollars. does anyone ever get out of there for less? We were supposed to go to DMV her to deal with her dad's car, me for a clear title on my boat. we never made it there. We went out for lunch to Paneras, I had chicken . We did take the girls to a wrestling match, Elena's first one. Nastia was too old to wrestle. She played the good sport and cheered her sister on. Elena was in a three round robin match she lost the first one without scoring a point in less then one round. The second match, she scored a point and was pinned in less then a round. The third match she scored two points and lasted until almost the end of the match when she got pinned. It was a better outing every time she went out. After the first match I bought both girls a t-shirt to commemorate the day. Elena's said Yes I'm a girl and yes I'm an athlete and yes I'm a wrestler. Nastia's said who says girls can't wrestle this one can. The one I wanted to get both was We can still be friends even though I pinned your boyfriend.
   We were there from five until seven-thirty and we did not stay until the end. We left and went out for a delayed Valentines day dinner the four of us. It went well. The whole day. It wasn't much of a day off but it was mostly fun.

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