Sunday, May 20, 2012

If cleaning the pool is assured, you're the one doing it

Sunday was supposed to be the great day of accomplish  alot. The girls caught me as I was going out the door and reminded me that I had promised to open the pool this weekend. With our guests coming at the end of June I didn't want to be still playing with the pool trying to get it clean and clear with them days or hours away, so I opened it.
   I got a pump out to clear off the water on the cover. The pump started sucking up the cover so I uncovered the pool to force the water into one area. The water was a little green but all in all looked good. I gathered the cover to the far end and started sucking the remaining water out, the pump grabbed cover again. So I gave anothe pull on it, but this time an end slipped into the water and a brown stain flowed slowly out dirting the water. I spent several hundred dollars on chemicals last year to clean up dirty water like this and then I didn't want to swim in it so this year I emptied the pool and the girls spent some time in the almost empty pool saying the water is too cold to have their feet in after telling me all day long they would go swimming as soon as the pool is open. They played at cleaning the leaves out of the pool and when they were tired of doing that they went inside and I spent time cleaning out the leaves so we could refill it.

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