Sunday, November 20, 2011

Going Russian via Nyack

It is Sunday night in November. Tony has been gone just a few weeks and we are all still a bit of a mess. Teri booked the Disney trip. We leave the day after Christmas and return New Years day. it should be grand.
  There was a small Russian festival today at the Russian church in Nyack. It is the same one I took the girls to when they first came over. They got a big kick out of it then.This time we told them we were going out and again we refused to tell them where we were going. What's wrong with us? As Nastia said,  "Why can't you just tell us where we are going?" I guess, because IT'S MORE FUN. I told them we were going for a walk in Nyack. they said as long as we are not going to church. I of course said we were going and I thought you liked church? Their answer was yes we do, but not today.
  We got to the Church about one in the afternoon and stayed about two hours. we walked around and kept telling the girls to touch nothing. One or two vendors were dumb enough to say it was OK for them to touch, that their wares were not breakable. That sounded like a challenge and I hoped the girls did not rise to it. They kept touching stuff and then Elena started walking around saying "I want to buy something, I want to buy something." I asked her how much money she had , she said none because we did not tell them where we were going. I think I just hit on why we don't tell them where we are going.
  We ended up buying a variety of food, spending forty dollars and having a good time. We ate dumplings, cabbage rolls filled with meat . We tried getting some Kutleta, Russian meatballs, but they were out. I would like to compare mine to their's so I can improve mine.
  We got back around two and Teri, that brave soul took the girls and a friend Jennifier ice skating and then she took the girls, our two to the grocery, I expected her to come back crazy. I had a nice quiet afternoon. Teri came back surprisingly sane.


  1. Sounds like a perfect day.
    Very nice.

  2. Have a great time at Disney
