Thursday, August 25, 2011

Everybody's growing up too quickly

  Nastia goes to middle school starting this year. We had orintation today. Nastia was nervous, and didn’t want to leave us to sit in the auditorium to listen to the teachers. I guess this girl who lost her first family in Russia, lived in an orphanage and came to America not speaking the language still can find things that make her nervous. And I guess through her life, except when she went to the orphanage she was always with her sister or had someone with her. We left her and went to sit in the cafeteria to listen to other teachers talk about the school and answer questions.

After, we met up with Nastia and went over her schedule and went to some of her classes, making her go to the class as we followed. A first she seemed a little lost and wasn't trying. "Nastia where is class A204 if on the first floor all classes are A 100? I don't know." By the end she was moving around the school like she had been there weeks instead of two hours. Asked afterwards if she was still nervous she gave a big yes. In a few weeks she will love it. Right now she is afraid of bullies and lockers not opening.

After that Teri wanted a salad and soup, so we went to Charlie Browns in Jersey and ran into Nancy having lunch with some friends. It was one of the friend’s birthday.

After lunch, Elena had a gift card for game stop burning a hole in her pocket. Where have we heard that before? We went to game stop in Livingston NJ and finally got home around 4pm. Teri and I went upstairs and went to sleep until after six. We were exhausted for some reason.


  1. Good Luck Nastia

  2. If Nastia is afraid of the lockers and they have the removeable one, see if you can buy one with a key. It will help her and it will be one less thing to be afraid about. Just got to make sure she doesn't lose the key. Attach it to her backpack, give one to the office and keep one at home. That's what we did.
