Saturday, August 6, 2011

Another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody....

Well, it's not Saturday night  it is only Saturday morning and we are in the middle of a typical Saturday. I got up early, usually Teri does, I thought it would be nice to get up and have a little quiet time and read the paper. We have Pop-pop over this weekend and he is asleep in the back bedroom as are the girls in their room.
  I got the paper and sat down at the table with my morning beverage,soda, never got the coffee habit. ask my wife to tell you the story, she likes to add sarcasism and it's a lot mre interesting to hear from her then when I tell it.
  My quiet time lasted until my wife came down and turned on the tv, because Lucy turned 100 today and she needed to see some Lucy.
  I put the girls to bed early last night because they had not been to bed on time all week and I really couldn't stand them any more last night. They didn't do anything, I was just tired.
  Teri and Nastia did get into a play fight about Teri not being her mother and if that was so then Nastia could go. That might of started my bad mood, I didn't think it was funny. Later Teri said it hurt.
  Since the girls were put to bed early they got up early and for a little while anyway they stayed up stairs. But like all good plans they didn't stay there. So now I am writing this at 10 am Teri and her father are reading the paper, the TV is on and no one is watching Lucy, the dog is barking at something from the upstairs window, the girls are playing Nintendo and I stop writing every so often to tell them to turn down the sound on the games. And now the phone is ringing.
  What started the idea to write this was the girls got out cereal and again didn't close up the boxes. Teri goes into the cabinet and don't you just know it the cereal, which is balanced on top of two cans of condensed soup falls and turns over spilling out it contents all over the box of oatmeal, I should be eating, the jars of sauce and other assorted groceries. Teri yells, and who wouldn't, she asks them who didn't close the cereal box ? Of course no one left it open and it was my sister who was the last one to use it. Both are told to clean up this mess and how many times has your father told you to close the cereal box up? It's nice to know someone does listen to what I say. No the girls and my wife only listens when it can be used against me.
  So life goes on in this strange world we have created and for the life of me I never could of imagined.
  I've thought alot about the last few years and written about a lot of it. Some memories; The day we left for Moscow was warm and sunny. It was I think a Saturday and the car service driver had the Yankee game on. I was a little tired,but happy. I slept sort of on the way to the airport, the driver had bottles of water for us to drink, a nice touch.
  At the airport we get on line for the Russian airliner and I hear someone speaking Russian, it hits me that we are going to a place that doesn't speak English, I am still calm, I don't know why. Maybe it's the big adventure of it all.
  We get on the plane, it takes off and the TV have airplanes on a map of North America showing us where we are. Then the movies come on. I remember wanting to see Ireland and England and Germany and the rest of Europe as we passed over it and being disappointed because it was all covered with clouds.
  The day has become night and the night passes quickly, we fly towards the sun.
  We land in Moscow and our first flicker of doubt appears. We are the last ones off the plane and the last ones through customs. We stop and use the rest room and finally find our driver. He puts on what might be a soft rock station. Some is in English, some is in Russian. The car is Japanese, but is right side drive. some cars in Russia are left some are right side. We head out of town and arrive at a villa sort of place surrounded by houses, it seemed odd. We order a meal and go to bed in Russia, amazing.
  The next day we take off and after several cloud filled hours later we land in the far east of Russia, Harabosk.
  My wife has politely informed me that the day is wasting and my chores will not do themselves. So I'll finish later.

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