Sunday, April 4, 2010

Swimming Lessons

The girls started learning to swim in March. The first week we took them to the Felix Festa pool a swim meet was being held and the girls were very disappointed. We found out later the information was posted on their web site.

The next week they had their first lesson and they just loved everything about it. The week after that they were complaining that it wasn’t long enough and they wanted more time to swim.

The following two weeks were no swimming and I wonder if they will complain about it being too short next week.

The girls did Easter eggs tonight and they got it all over their hand and had a lot of fun. I did an egg and Teri did a few.

During dinner they girls sang and danced for us. Can you believe it shrimp scamp and a floor show? Can life get any better?

I had promised the girls a ball to replace the one that popped and hadn’t done it in two weeks so we went out to buy one and suddenly Elena wanted a game and not a ball, but Nastia wanted a ball and Elena got angry and say OK, you win and I got angry. I wanted them to compromise and it didn’t work. So I bought the balls and by the time we got home they had forgotten about the ball and didn’t play with them.

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