Saturday, March 6, 2010

What the hell is wrong with you.

I started to write this about a week ago and didn’t get very far. I guess I didn’t want to write it or I would have made time for it sooner.

We took the girls sleigh riding over at Orangeburg after the snow storm about a week ago. We were busy on Saturday and we didn’t get to go until Sunday.

I had the girls in my car and we were going somewhere and the girls wanted the windows open and it was not a bad day, it was almost too nice, so they had the windows open and Elena’s orange hat flew off her head and Nastia started to laugh about it. It just struck something in me about how I was teased in school and I pulled over and I lit into Nastia yelling at her that it wasn’t funny and how would she like it if it was her hat which I then threw out the open car window after several attempts. Of course I yelled at her until I had reduced her to tears, which seems to be the way I have to go, and when it is over I usually feel very guilty, but I can’t stop myself.
   Later when Teri heard the story she thought it was very funny and I was sure she would back me on it. I guess I did over react to the whole thing.
   I back up the car and get Elena’s hat and make Nastia walk the few yards to get her hat and I walk along with her telling her something to make up for being so nasty. I don’t remember what I said but it must have been something to make me feel better too.

We get to the park around two and Donald and Nancy and Amanda and Tharsha all show up and the snow is wet and slick and everyone is going down the hill. I’m with Nastia and Elena and next to us are two families that are very nice, they let the girls use their tubes and even share rides down the hill with their kids.

After about three hours of this when everyone has gotten soaked and frozen we call it a day and go to get some food at the hot dog place over in Nanuet. The end of the Olympics is on the TV and I watch the Canadians go up 2-0 in the gold medal round in Hockey before we leave. Canadians won in overtime 3-2 to win the gold.

It was a fun time on the slopes.

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