Thursday, February 18, 2010

It's still hard to believe they are ours.

It has been a little over six months since the girls became ours and a little over five months since we returned from Russia. The banner Tharsha and Amanda made still hangs over the door way to the living room like we just returned a day ago. Thank God all the balloons have popped or disappeared, god they got in the way. Dinner is at the dinner table like it has been almost every night since we have returned from Russia; I miss the TV trays in front of the TV. Dinner is still at a bad hour, seven pm or later. One night it was at nine thirty. That was the night Stephanie came over to interview for the job of watching the girls after school.
Dinner resembles a load dance hall these days, the girls sing, eat food with their hands as Teri and I tell them to use their forks and sit closer to the table. There is arguing, talking and laughing all going on at the same time. It might even be a normal family dinner.
Teri and I feel like we have hit the jack pot on these two. And we considered not taking them for all of an afternoon. It’s amazing how things work out for the best sometimes.
    Nastia talked about her life before we adopted her and her sister and she said she spent time in six different homes or orphanages during the time she was in the system. She said she even spent time in a place where they sent the mentally disturbed children, she said they were kookoo. I don't know how much time she spent there. It is a sad reminder of their short lives. Lives that they will never return to and will hopefully be a minor memory in their lives.

1 comment:

  1. its amazing how great these girls are and have been since day one.
