Friday, January 8, 2010

Pickups and Miss Cranky pants in the New Year

We spent the end of the old year and the beginning of the New Year at home. The girls went to bed early and they were still up at 11:30. We didn’t think they would understand the concept of New Years Eve and New Years day so we just sent them to bed and Teri and I watched the old Year leave with few regrets. There was the trip to Russia and our meeting the girls again, but beyond that there is little that either of us will want to remember beyond that.
Around New Years day Nastia began to hiccup and she called them pickups. And of course everyone tried to scare them out of her and she would get the chance to make a lot of noise and she would thoroughly enjoy it and of course she would suddenly get a case of the pickups for no reason at all. Once I did get annoyed at her pickups and told her to cut it out. I wish sometimes I would think before I acted. It was all play and I could have handled it better. I did try to make it up to her the next day and reassure her that it was alright to have pickups and her attack of pickups lasted several days more. And everyone myself included enjoyed scaring her. My personal favorite was to call her over to me and scare her when she came over. The result would amazingly be a sudden case of the pickups where none had been before.
Elena was in a mood one day and someone called her Miss Cranky pants. She got really angry crossed her arms and said “Me no cranky pants, you cranky pants” she has this way of saying it where she rolls the ‘cr’ and for some reason it is funny, so now everyone says it with rolling ‘cr’ and the response is “Me no cranky pants, you cranky pants”
And finally Nastia the little lady continues to take great delight in farting near her parents and getting a big kick out of it. She’ll sometimes get up and come over and force it out. It was bad enough when she would go out into the hallway and do it. Where have we gone wrong?

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