Saturday, October 3, 2009

Back to reality, sorta 10-01-09

Today was very simple yet it took all day.
We’re back in America and Teri and I go back to work Monday, if the girl’s paper work is ok and we can get them into school.
We spent the day trying to do just that. I took the girls to the school to introduce them to the school and any official I could meet and I had some success. The Principle, Martha Ryan was in a meeting and she took a few minutes to meet the girls and had her secretary call the main administrative office to set up an appointment for us at 10:30 and then to come back after and get a tour of the school on Friday.
We then went over to Social services to get their social security cards and that didn’t take as long as you might think it would. We then bought sandwiches for Hartells and went home to have lunch. The rest of the day is a blur and I know we made the girls dinner. I know I didn’t have time to turn on the TV at all either.

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