Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Turn your Head and cough 09-28-09

I know some of the girls in the audience will not understand the title of today's blog title. We went to the doctors office and being a boy all my life that was one of the things I never understood the doctor doing. He would put his had between our legs and say turn your head and cough. We all thought the doctor a little strange.
  Got up and had no breakfast had to get to the Doctor's Office at nine and it's an hours trip. Traffic in Moscow is bad and its going to get worse. The roads are mostly side streets in width and they have buildings on both sides and no space to widen.

On the way to the Doctor’s office we stopped at a clothing store to get the girl’s jackets or at least sweaters. We walked into a store that would fit into any American downtown and it had the prices to match. Jackets started at fifty dollars and went up. Sweaters started at thirty and went up. Anatoly our driver said it was the cheapest store around. We bit the bullet and purchased two sweaters and hope that will be enough for now.
Got to the Doctor’s Office before nine and we were guided through a group of people to a private office and we were the first people there. We were greeted by a woman wearing a very short dress and I really didn’t mind except it was a place of business and not proper attire. Plus she was wearing clothes you’d expect a woman younger than her to wear. She needs to update her wardrobe.
The Doctor came in and we went into the examination room he talk to Teri and I for a moment, then he talked to the girls and he then asked one of them to undress. That was when I got the look that I will have to get used to. It said go,Pappa, I don’t want you to be here. So I left. I did get a rundown from Teri afterwards. Both have flat feet, we have to watch Elena’s TB spot and they need glasses, Dentist and one other doctor I don’t remember.
We Left the Doctor’s and went to McDonalds for an early lunch. I was waiting for Anatoly to park the car to order. Teri said she was in disparate need of a coffee and I said that I could order one. Coffee in Russian is Coffee, easy. Just fake all questions. I get on line, when it’s my turn I say coffee, pajalessta. The guy behind the counter says anything else? I'm dumbstruck and not prepared to do an order and I am a little surprised so I say no. I take the coffee back to Teri and get an order and go back.
The food was MacDonald’s and it was nice to have something familiar after all of the mystery foods that I have eaten lately. Nastia again refuses to eat her meal, this time it was a fish sandwich. We are at the point that if she doesn’t eat she gets nothing else until the next meal. We took some pictures and left. Anatoly had to take care of CJ and Fran (their day at the embassy) so we were on our own. We were going to try the metro on our own, but we went back to the rooms and took a nap. Mostly the reason we took a nap was because Nastia was bad and we sent her to bed. It turns out it was a much needed nap everyone except Teri slept for a few hours.
We went to eat at a buffet at another hotel and it was not bad. The food was a little cold and that seems to be a Russian typical. There is no ice to make drinks colder and a lot of the things you buy from coolers are just slightly cold. At the buffet I bought two bottles of beer. I saw the display on the cashier’s desk and I asked for two. I figured I’d get two from a cooler; nope I got the two on the counter. Trying to not be the ugly American I took them and left.
We went back to the room, CJ came over and we sat around and talked about things and drank some cold beer we had. He talked about some people he knew who were doing a bike trip across Russia. It sounded fun but I would never want to do it.


  1. I wouldn't want a MC'D's fish sandwich either!!

  2. I second that!!!!!!! lynn
