Sunday, September 6, 2009

It's Moscow and I don't know what time it is anywhere

Our trip had some interesting times. We had two sandwiches, a beer and a martini at Kennedy Airport and spend fifty dollars.
Our plane was a 767 Boeing aircraft and someone forgot to tell the people who put the seats in that people have legs and on an eight hour flight it is not a minor issue. The person in front of Teri put her seat back and it was even tighter. We cruised at a speed of about 625 mph at an altitude of 33,000 feet and if it wasn't dark and cloudy we could have seem Greenland Ireland Iceland Scotland Germany and Norway. The sun came up around Norway according to the graphic they had on the TV. It showed a little plane on a map, sometimes it was a small map of New York and the tri state and sometimes it was of half the world.
They showed this graphic for about an hour then they handed out headsets so we could watch the movie 'What happens in Vegas'. Channel one was in Russian, two was in English.
We took off at 9 pm eastern time, we flew toward the sun and tried to sleep until the sun came up about 3 am eastern time and we were somewhere over Norway at the time. Clouds were as thick and high as whip cream on a Sunday in July. I couldn't see anything until we went below the clouds as we went to land in Russia. Then we could see some houses and some cars on the roads.
It was drizzling when we arrived and we departed the plane last. I think we didn't want to face what was ahead of us. I know I was a little scared of facing a country where I didn't speak the language and could not even guess what the signs meant.
After customs we found our driver who had retro-music on his pioneer radio inside his Hyundai on for us. Then the announcer spoke Russian reminding us where we were. The station switched between western music and some Russian music and our drive was very pleasant and helpful, but I don't think he spoke English.
Our drive was a little longer than I expected and the roads were narrow and some of them had potholes. Near the end of our trip we were in a residential area not too thickly populated and I began to wonder if we might have made a mistake. It didn't seem like an area where a hotel would be and I didn't know if maybe we might of gotten into the wrong car and maybe our drive would turn down a dead end street and we would be met by several large men with guns who thought we would be in possession of a large amount of money and were intent on relieving us of it. Before my mind went into overdrive we turned into a short driveway of this villa type place that turned out to be our hotel for the night.
We went to our room slept for several hours had dinner (Chicken Kiev with spinach, it was good, don’t know how much) then went back to our rooms and are about ready for bed. In America it's 4:34 and the Yankee's might of just finished playing. In Moscow it's 12:30 and I'm going to try to go to bed and see how long I will sleep.


  1. We are all thinking about you guys and how it feels to be so far away in a forgein country, different culture and probably I'm sure very different food. Hope you stay safe and sound and we look forward to reading about the adventure to your new life.

  2. hey is that the hotel you staying at? cause if it is your wright it doesnt look like a hotel.
    but anyway WE LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU
    manda nancy donald and poppop. =)

  3. tharsha send her love also.
    kody is missing you like crazy she wouldnt even eat yesterday.
    and mommy said thanks for the use of your house its been non stop partying. hopefully we will get it clean by the time you get back.
    HAHAHAHA love you!

  4. Hey guys. Hope things are well. I 'm sure you expected some complications and I know you will deal with them as you have in the past Madeline and I are thinking about you and hope to see you in America soon. Jeter is about to break Gehrigs hitting record. May have done it today.

    PS. Dont call collect if you need to talk (LOL)

  5. it Tuesday NYtime. Have not had any more messagas from you. Hope all is goinh well.
    You can call collect.

  6. Just wanted to send a note to say I am thinking about you. Congrats again and best of lucky!! HURRY HOME!! I can't take 3 phones anymore. :) Heather P- Marcus Dairy

  7. Has anyone heard to Teri and Joe? It has been a while since they posted.

  8. Yes, they contacted Nancy, they have no internet and were off the court yesterday. Haven't heard anything else. Joseph was going to try to find a place that had service to make another post, guess it's not so easy.

  9. Thanks. I was getting concerned

  10. I sure am getting anxious to see my new nieces!!!Can't wait until they are HOME!!!! Love you Nastia and Elena!!! :) Be safe all and see you very soon. Love, Lynn

  11. Heard from the new Family. They are heading to Moscow on Sunday (don't know on whose time) with their daughters. The girls haven't changed a bit!!

  12. Congratulations Muller Family!! I have been thinking about you guys all week and how everyone is doing! I'm so happy you are all together and can't wait to see everyone. Enjoy the rest of the time together and be safe.

  13. Good to hear everyone is well. Looking forward to pictures and an updated entry. See you soon. Whats with this profile stuff?
    Karl, Madeline,Kristen

  14. Hey Joe, Teri, make sure you send pictures of those girls ASAP!!! Is it Sunday yet?

  15. Glad everything is going well
    Send Pictures.......

  16. we are very sorry we missed your call on sunday!! i explained in a email!!!
    love manda panda

  17. we are anxoiusly waiting to hear how things are going for you. hope things are well. please send pictures when you can. Sharon and I are thinking about you and hoping all is well. You are both braver than I could ever be. :)

    Best wishes

  18. Hi Guys..
    Hope all is well. Can't wait for you to get back wih the girls

  19. Starting to think the girls kidnapped the 2 of you and you can't get to your blog! Hope all is going well and hope to hear from you soon>

  20. I agree... Where are they????
    When are they due home? Does anyone know?

  21. Family knows of nothing as of Tuesday 2:30pm. They were heading for Moscow and were to be staying there for a while, they needed to get papers for the girls. They should have been there already! They planned on being away about 3 weeks. That's about all we know.

  22. Hey Guys thinking of you!!!!! I hope bye now you are parents, looking foward to your next post.
    Karl, Mad & Kristen

  23. Sorry to dissappoint everyone but we don't get back to Moscow until 9/26. There's a 10 day waiting period that ends on 9/21 and then the girls are our undisputably. We finally moved to a nice hotel with internet access, Yeah!!! and are again connected to the rest of the world. Thanks for all the well wishes. We miss everyone like crazy. Keep posted. Updates will be done on a regular basis or as regular as regular can get with 2 active little girls! XOXO

  24. Guess that means the girls are with you and staying with you all the time?
