Wednesday, September 16, 2009

If It's friday it must be Valdgeim 09-11-09

If it’s Friday it must be at Valdgeim (the orphanage) 09-11-09

75th anniversity celibration of Birobadjahn
 Well Popischia (poppa, but with extra sentiment) has succeeded in climbing the first mountain in his way to fatherhood. He has conquered an afternoon with his new spawn and mostly survived. His wife that amazing person yesterday presented him with two daughters aged ten and nine. So filled with all the joy and trepidation of any new father he proudly took his little girls, those angels out to show off in public. He took them to the town’s 75th anniversary; you know that git to gither that has me squatting in some Soviet error (correct spelling) flat, which has no internet and no cable, those barbarians! He along with his long suffering wife have bedded down and suffered for almost a week. In his effort to keep his vast readership informed of his torment he went out and purchased an internet card only to be told it wasn’t necessary to use friendly government internet café (say friendly government internet café with Russian accent) It is only one ruble a minute, very good price (continue with Russian accent).I down loaded my daily doings onto a flash drive and take it down to friendly government internet café and get on computer, find my web site and after getting clearance from comrade Linda to use flash drive I find out friendly government internet café (again with the Russian accent ) is running window 03 and American spy in running 07,blocked again by superiority of Soviet way.
Ok, so I’m getting a little crazy with things over here in the new Russia. I didn’t bargain for living in cold war housing and not being able to hear what the Yankees have done lately. On top of that the girls are so full of energy and are testing us every minute we are with them. I know it will get better, we’ll make it to the other side, I just don’t know what the other side is going to look like and I don’t like that.
It’s five minutes to six Friday morning in New York and the east coast, If this was a week or so ago Teri would be hitting her alarm and going back to sleep, while I had my morning panic attack over my job and what disaster it would bring me today.
It’s not a week ago and it will never be a week ago in the rest of my life. The future will be Teri gets up about 6:30 and I get up and get the girls ready for school and get them breakfast. Sometime between 7am and 8am I will walk them to school, until junior high school, Oh that is assuming that they don’t get thrown out of school for acting up. The judge yesterday told us both that we can’t change our minds, there is no return policy, and you can’t get store credit. I know and I don’t want to, it’s just going to be a rough fall and winter. Things will get better after we get settled in together. Life is going to be a whole lot of fun and having the two girls will add years to our lives because of all the running we will be doing.
Now what we did today.
Mini ferris wheel ride in park
We got up around 8am far eastern time (5pm the day before in America if you’re counting) and I wrote about the day before and Teri went back to bed. She had been up at 3am not being able to sleep, so she deserved it. We ate a late breakfast of cheese omelets and Teri grimaced a little less today. Our driver and translator picked us up at 11am and we went to the internet café in the post office and tried to down load the last three days posts. It didn’t work because they ran windows 03 and we were running on 07. We then went to get gifts for the care givers and had lunch at a pizza parlor, it was ok. I’m starting to get tired of smoked meats. Oh wait that didn’t belong here that should have gone up further. After lunch we picked the girls up and went to a park after they said they were not interested in seeing some dancers. They got a ride on a mini Ferris wheel and had ice cream and chips. We walked along the water and returned the girls to the orphanage about 5:45.
We then had dinner with the Minone’s at an Armenian restaurant, it was good. Yulila told us the driver’s and translators hours were until 6pm so we tipped the driver when he came to pick us up at 7:45. It was not an awful day, but it could have been.

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