Wednesday, September 23, 2009

And nobody does it better, makes me sad for the rest and nobody does it half….09-23-09.

Yes tonight or today where ever you are reading this it is a James Bond theme. Not any of the recent ones mostly the last one who looks more like he is Russian then English. So yes our theme is James Bond and the mystery of who turned off the hot water? It is now day two and Teri and I have volunteered to help find the pilot light in the hot water plant that someone either blew out or got wet during the rain. Either way Teri took an improved shower this morning. The improved version is entitled ‘the two liter bottle and hot pot shower. It is simple in its brilliance and you can get your entire body wet not just the arms and legs and the stinky spots. I will try one tonight.
Today we ordered the cake for the party and it will be a three gram size cake, I think. Yuluia originally said it should be five and the cake place lady said for a party of about 20-25 kids, three, three and a half should be enough. For some reason we never asked the girls what they wanted for a going away party and it was a good idea we did because they had very definite ideas of what they wanted. First they wanted cake with five levels. I think they wanted a five layer cake. We got a two layer cake with strawberry filling. We will also have fruit, most likely water melon. They didn’t ask for ice cream which surprised me. They did ask for gifts that we thought they wanted for themselves but they want to give them out to everyone. They said there were eight boys and five girls plus the two of them to make a total of fifteen.
Again we went to Pit Stop and again Elena got too much food and again they got no fruit and they got to play a couple of games of air hockey and mostly everything is getting a little easier. Nastia forgot her glasses and she and I went back and checked the table. They were gone, we went to the cashier, they saw us and reached behind her and produced the glasses. We also got a ten percent discount card yesterday. Got to use it today.
The circus is in town and it starts tomorrow and we were thinking of taking them to it on Friday after their going away party, but maybe not it might be too much.
CJ and Fran got Max today and he is a bundle of no sit still. The five of us went to dinner together and considering everything it went well. Max squirmed but he ate and CJ and Fran mostly ate it worked. Tomorrow they leave and we are on our own. It will be interesting.
After a slow start and a couple of mistakes I am using Russian a little more and I am surprised at how much I can do when I add a few hand signals and watch.
We talked to the girls about the trip to Moscow again and their only question was “How will they understand us?”
Teri replied, “How will they understand us?”
One week and we are home. Three days until Moscow. Tomorrow maybe we’ll do something different like, you guessed it an Art Gallery.


  1. We don't care if you are stinky. Come home soon

  2. The girls look so happy! I think the circus would be cool- I want to go! Can't wait to see you guys! Take care, smell ya later! ;) Lynn

  3. If you go out make sure the girls have their glasses before you leave......
    They look very happy.
