Friday, August 9, 2013

What We got

This was written in the spring. I forgot I wrote it.
Teri works very hard and she brings home 60% of what we live on.
   Today the girls invited over a friend from school. I heard this later, but when she looked out the backdoor and saw the pool and the trampoline she went wow.
   It makes me feel sad and not very gracious. I and sometimes Teri look at where we live and say where does all the money go? Why can't we afford to fix up this house. I want a wrap around porch, I want a bathroom on the first floor and it has to have a heated floor and those little shower jets and all this other crap and this is not right. Then someone comes over and goes wow,,,and you start to think what is wrong with me. Have I forgotten to look at the trees because of the forest? You grow up to do better then your parents did. My Mom started working after we all had finished grade school. Teri and I both work at jobs that I feel pay pretty well, I guess not well enough if I think its not good enough. I feel lucky to have the job I do and get the salary I do. There are people out there now who can't find jobs and I just left I job and went to another because my boss was driving me crazy. I got a raise too and I'm very happy. I don't want to make this a big pitty party for me, it's just when people come over your house and go wow it's, hell I've been there. Since we adopted the girls we have moved in some heady circles and the people have all been real nice. I guess I just never felt we had a wow house. We do have a wow story to tell.

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